HubSpot Connector for Jira - Quick Start

HubSpot Connector for Jira - Quick Start

Integrate HubSpot in Jira/JSM and boost your customer relationship management with HubSpot Connector for Jira.

How to use

Get relevant information on Jira Service Management

  1. Access a ticket in your Jira Service Management.

  2. Click the HubSpot button in the panel on the right.


  3. Click on “Allow access” if needed.

  4. If the contact associated to the ticket is synchronized in your HubSpot, all the relavant info will appear in the panel on the right.

The information available to the user in Jira Service Management depend on both your HubSpot setup and your settings in HubSpot Connector for Jira.


Attach a HubSpot Card

  1. Click the HubSpot Cards button in your Jira issue.

  2. Select the type of card you want to attach.

  3. Search for the item you want to attach and select it.

  4. Click Add.

You can add more cards or remove attached ones if you want.

Click on the expand button on the card to see more details.


Attach a HubSpot View to a Jira issue

  1. Click the HubSpot Views button in your Jira issue.

  2. Select the View you want to attach.

  3. Click Add.

You can add more Views or remove attached ones if you want.


Attach a HubSpot View to a Jira dashboard

  1. Click on Edit in your Jira dashboard.

  2. Search for the HubSpot Views widget and click Add.

  3. Select the View you want to attach.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Click Confirm.

  6. Click Done in your Jira dashboard.

You can add more Views or remove attached ones if you want.


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