How to retrieve Microsoft Power BI embed URLs

How to retrieve Microsoft Power BI embed URLs

How to retrieve a report’s embed link

Private sharing

If you want your users to log into a licensed Power BI account to see the report:

  1. Access the Microsoft Power BI webapp

  2. Open your report

  3. Copy the link from your browser’s address bar

Please note that the relevant part of the link is the one preceding "/ReportSection", as the default section to be opened at startup is determined by the report settings. If you want to change the default section, open the desired page in the webapp and save a new report. The new report will have the active page as its default section.

Public sharing

If you want your report to be publicly available without login:

  • Access the Microsoft Power BI webapp

  • Open your report

  • Click File -> Embed report -> Publish to web (public)
    The URL link will look like this: https://app.powerbi.com/view...

Please note that some Power BI features may not be supported in the public version of embedded reports.

How to retrieve a scorecard’s URL

The URL of the scorecards is the web address you find in the address bar of your browser when navigating the scorecard itself. Just copy it!