Google Forms for Confluence – User Guide

Google Forms for Confluence allows you to easily embed a Google Form inside a Confluence page.

How to get a Google Form’s URL

How to embed Google Forms inside your Confluence page

Since Google’s security policies prevent editing forms in external applications, clicking the Edit button inside an embedded view will result in a “ refused to connect” error.

In this case, just refresh the page to restore the embedder’s state.

Auto mode

  1. Copy the public URL address of your Google Forms

  2. Paste it into your Confluence editor

  3. (Optional) Edit the viewer settings (at least 320x320 px).

Manual mode

  1. Copy the public URL address of your Google Forms

  2. Open the Google Forms macro in Confluence

  3. Paste the URL of the form into the corresponding section

  4. (Optional) Edit the viewer settings (at least 320x320 px)