This agreement was last updated on June 8, 2023
This End User License Agreement (“EULA” or “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you and Presago, vendor on the Atlassian Marketplace. Presago is the legal owner of software applications (“Products“) that interoperate with applicable Atlassian Products and you purchase or evaluate them from Atlassian Marketplace. This Agreement provides the terms and conditions by which you may use the Products. If you disagree with the Agreement or any part of it, please do not install or use the Products. By downloading or using it (for Cloud Apps), you agree to use the Products consistent with the terms of this EULA. The terms of any customer service agreement, purchase order, order, confirmation or similar document provided by the customer will have no effect and will not be considered agreed to by Presago.
When you are accepting this Agreement on behalf of your employer or another company or organization, you represent and warrant that you have full authority to act for and to bind that legal entity to this Agreement; the terms “you” and “your” will refer to that legal entity.