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How to embed in monday.com
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In a monday.com document, type /widget and select the corresponding option. Click on More widgets. Find the app you want to embed and click on Add widget. The embedder widget will be added to your document. Now open the widget Settings. You may be asked to select a board to populate the widget. Select any board and continue. You’ll need to open the widget settings again. Paste the URL link of your document in the corresponding text box. Close the settings panel to see the embedded document in your widget. Optionally, you can rename the widget so it matches the content of your document. Done! |
Troubleshoot Google login screen not showing in desktop client (Error 403)
Restricted Google documents require login in order to be viewed and embedded.
Support to external authentication in monday.com’s desktop client is currently limited and it may happen that, when trying to embed restricted documents, Google login screen doesn’t show up and instead a generic error is displayed.
403. That’s an error.
We’re sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know.
To fix this, you can follow this procedure:
Temporarily disable the restriction OR copy the link of any unrestricted Google file.
It has to be compatible with the embedder you’re using.
Example: Google Sheets Embedder 👉 use a Google Sheets unrestricted link
Embed the link or refresh the page if you’re not changing link
The Google login page will show up. Login into your Google account